So this is my dad, a professional engineer.  He was very supportive of his two daughters, always encouraging us to do whatever we thought we were capable of.  Both of us found ourselves successful in very technical fields. I became a chemist, and my sis became first a respiratory therapist and then a massage therapist, specializing in pain release.

After a couple of decades in the chemical industry as a research and product development chemist and then manager, I experienced the “musical chairs for adults” game, where my projects were transferred to another division without a position attached.  Hmm.  Reinvented as an association manager, the universe led me to sell that company a couple months before my mother received a “terminal” diagnosis…  Hmm.

But enough about me—during this most recent several years of life experiences, where my sis and I were caregivers for mom and then dad, I realized that the joy that comes from recognizing and honoring the challenges and changes that occur as we age.  And, voilá! A Badge for That began to percolate.

Initially we began by creating these medallions to give to folks as they

  • overcome challenges
  • change “gracefully”
  • are “the one” for us, just as the stranded starfish was rescued by the child

or any number of reasons.  While dining alone on a business trip one night, I gave a sticker to my server—she was so excited she attached it to her cellphone and bragged about it all night!  Such joy and so easy.

Now A Badge for That is morphing into becoming the 24/7 resource for loving caregivers, providing insight and solutions into your constantly changing caregiving demands.  And developing guides to get you through those “I wish I’d known” scenarios.  So that we all can return to being the daughter/son/niece/nephew again, honoring and enjoying our loved one AMAP, in addition to providing care.

And if you want more conversation, here’s a link to ask to join our private Facebook group, where those of us who are, or were, or anticipate becoming caregivers discuss various topics.

If you’re not on Facebook—just post your comments below.  Feel free to share this and thanks!  You and I do deserve a badge for that.